There is nothing worse than being in a wardrobe rut. Waking up in the morning and truly dreading getting dressed because you are so bored with the clothes in your closet. Whether you are going to work, out with friends, to run errands, you always feel like you are putting on the same few pieces and it can get frustrating. We can all agree that having new items to add to your rotation of clothes is a great feeling. However, we do not always want to break the bank doing so, so continue reading for a few ways on how to refresh your wardrobe without really spending any money at all.


Explore your accessories


Believe it or not, rediscovering some of the accessories that you have not worn in a while can really help refresh the looks that you feel are a bit outdated. Whether it be jewelry, belts, purses, hair accessories, adding one (or all) of the above to some outfits that you feel you repeat too much can really make it look and feel like a whole new outfit.


Rework what you own



A really important thing to keep in mind when either trying to refresh your wardrobe or even cleaning it out, is that you can rework pieces that you already own. Take a scissor to some t-shirts that you have not worn in a while and either cut the sleeves, distress the neck, crop it, whatever suits your style the best. Also, if you have a pair of jeans you no longer wear, you can turn them into shorts and that will save you money on a new pair of summer shorts. You can also cut them into Bermuda shorts and when you want to rock them shorter, just cuff the ends.


Out with the old



If you are struggling to find where to start when giving your wardrobe the reboot that it needs, the easiest and probably most convenient thing to do is to just get rid of the things you really do not need or wear. You should do this before you start re-working anything because looking at an additional 15-20 clothing items when you do not even wear in the first place can just make the wardrobe rut that you are stuck in even worse. So, like they say, out with the old!


Host a clothing swap


You know that saying “someone’s trash is another person’s treasure?” Well, that is exactly what we mean when it comes to either hosting or attending a clothing swap party. Invite a few friends and family members to bring their clean, barely worn pieces to be put up for grabs. Remember, everything is fair game, so you can trade, barter, and donate clothes to your friends while snagging some new stuff to incorporate into your closet. The pink sweater you bought 3 seasons ago might be your least favorite thing that you own but could be exactly what your friend has been looking for.


Phone a friend



If you are really struggling with your wardrobe and are having a hard time facing it head-on, phone a friend for some assistance. Invite over a friend or two, because too many opinions can make your wardrobe re-working even more difficult and have them help you decide how you can go about this project. Ask what they think about certain pieces, what they think you need in order to make an outfit better, etc. As long as they are honest than having friends help you will be super effective.
We hope that if you are feeling stuck with the clothing that you already own, this inspires you to take the necessary steps to really give it the refresher that it needs without spending a dime! 

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